In December of 2017, my husband and I decided to plan a trip with all of our bridal party and friends and go have an amazing four days in Mexico. My best friend, Chris, has family in Mexico, speaks the language beautifully and knows many of Mexico’s most beautiful cities like the back of his hand so we designated him as our “trip director” and off we went.
We rented this amazing house, Villa Las Palmeras, and it was such an incredible experience. The service was absolutely exemplary, and the chef, Maira, was gifted beyond belief!
We started the trip with a sunset cruise to explore some gorgeous views and ate tacos and enjoyed the hell out of our time together. We spent the next several days hanging out at the pool at the villa with breakfast and lunch provided. In the evening we chose a variety of really fun places to eat including Elizabeth Taylor’s former villa. In the heart of Puerto Vallarta lies a destination that defies comparison – Casa Kimberly – a luxurious love story. The former homes of Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton combine to create nine suites, a spa, pool, open-air dining, tequila bar and the preserved Puente Del Amor (Bridge of Love). Lovers, artists and adventurers are invited to fall in love again.
We had some nightclub insanity at Mandala as well – which by the way, I highly recommend when you are in Mexico! The majority of the trip was really for our eyes only, (LOL), but here are some of my favorite moments from this trip. What I learned – traveling with a group of people that you love and never get to spend enough time with is one of the most beautiful, awesome, laughter filled experiences out there.