✨Worth noting -> A wise and very inspiring friend reminded me today that at every pizza party, there is always someone who doesn’t like pizza. Think about it. 😳
So today’s moment of wisdom is such a good one. As a planner, restaurant owner, and just as a human overall, it can be challenging to really grasp that not all of us align all the time. In fact, I can say with a fair amount of comfort that in my role as a producer, the wedding and event clients with whom I align are creative and funny. Love life and work very hard so that it can be celebrated too. Mindful and caring, speaking with kindness and voraciously pursuing everything with passion in life. And all with great style and enough self-awareness that everything is authentic and beautiful even when it’s not perfect. 👈🏼
That’s my kind of pizza party. And as I continue the winding journey through this layered and fascinating and beautiful life I learn more and more that these kinds of people with whom I align are the ones who really make my heart sing.
And here’s the thing -> if we are all in this climb together, shouldn’t we be climbing alongside folks with energies and spirits that we can be inspired by and learn from? Who don’t mirror who we are but instead compliment, reflect back and show things about ourselves in a new light. ✨
Because again, that is so my kind of pizza party. Thanks for the inspiration, All That Glitters On The Gram and thanks Collin Pierson for the photo during our time in Sicilia.
{see what I did with that climbing reference 🤩😂😎}