Ok friends, today has been a tough one for me for a few reasons. It is the anniversary of my Nonno Gene’s death back in 1989. And so it has always been a day where my memories of him are so close to the surface. Although I lost him so young, he has shaped my life so much. He is the “Gene” in the @gene_georgetti that is my family’s 78 year old restaurant that he founded in 1941. So I am sure you can imagine how every choice I make in business is driven by a need to make him proud. Stretching far beyond “restauranteur” his gregarious personality and ability to make everyone feel welcome is the embodiment of the phrase “hospitality expert.” He is who sparked my passion for the Italian language, so I could always carry a piece of him with me (he emigrated from Lucca, Italy in the early 1900’s). He is also the reason that I began riding.
29 years ago to cheer up her very sad 9 year old daughter, my mother brought me for my first riding lesson after the loss of Gene. He is so linked to every part of my life, and today is always a tough day. In 2016, another very sad, all too early passing happened to further add to the difficulty of this day. My beloved Frisco passed away within hours of my being notified of his sudden illness. Although it may sound funny to you, Frisco had a personality much bigger than you could imagine. He was expressive and funny and easy to love. Much like Gene. The last few years I have marked this day while in Harrisburg, competing at the Pennsylvania National Horse show. And I have always felt especially honored to be there on this day and really dedicate a day of importance, hard work, and honor to their memory. This year, my work responsibilities did not allow for me to pursue this opportunity and instead, today was a whopper of a day with the very restaurants that I referred to above. Sometimes, whopper days happen, plain + simple. And mine was today. So I am taking the time at the end of this day, to appreciate getting through it. And to share with you the stories of my Nonno Gene and My Frisco. I miss them because I loved them so. And to know such love makes me a very lucky and grateful human being. ❤