Apr 22, 2021 | Equestrian Life, Health and Wellness
Happy Earth day to you! Hello friends – I have attempted to dedicate a small portion of my day to Earth Day every day for the past several years. I recycle my soda cans, turn the water off when I brush my teeth, and I requested no more paper statements for...
Nov 30, 2020 | Hospitality
Hello and holiday greetings, amici miei! There are some fabulous ways to shop our Gene & Georgetti family business this holiday, and I wanted to take a quick moment to share some exciting info and helpful links with you! First, let me remind you that all of my...
Nov 23, 2020 | Hospitality, Styling and Planning
With everything going on in the world, so many of us are finding new ways to make the holidays festive, special and meaningful, even though we may not be able to be with all of our loved ones. Here is the good news: festive holiday tabletop decor ideas have not...
Nov 19, 2020 | Hospitality, Personal
Gift Guide season is upon us! Along with the most wonderful time of the year! And who can believe that the holidays are actually coming?It is amazing how fast, yet how slow this year went. I have pulled together a list of vendors and companies that I love to give a...