Like all of you reading this blog, I am making multiple efforts every day to cope with this pandemic. I have had some really quiet, comforting moments with myself and my horses throughout al of this Coronavirus pandemic craziness. A takeaway from this time is the very stark realization that while I have always known gratitude and felt gratitude in my life, I was previously unaware of the depths to which my gratitude actually needed to go. It is amazing what you realize when so much of what you knew vanishes right before you. I speak about gratitude, specifically related to my horses frequently, which you can read more about here.

My horses are one of the grandest loves of my life. They are my calm in the storm that happens day to day, my biggest comfort, my pals, my responsibility, my joy, and my way of challenging myself physically, mentally and emotionally too (have you ever tried communicating with a team mate who does not speak with words, and who holds you accountable for every action you choose?). They are a large part of my “why” in life. And this time with them has once again taught me so much.

I look forward to quiet summer moments with them, enjoying the reprieve they will provide me, while we are working to open our restaurants, venue and my planning company. This has not been an easy few months for everyone. It has certainly been challenging for me, and thankfully my horses and the responsibility of them has kept me very centered.

I chose this photo specifically, because it perfectly captures where I am in my life right now. Holding the things that matter close, accepting the changes, challenges and losses, and fighting to find the gains too. My horses are helping me cope with the Coronavirus pandemic, and for me that is a blessing I am very grateful for.

Forging down the path, and holding hope, even though it will be a long journey. Comforted by the fact that my Mo is with me always, ready to face what comes. And learning to apply this new knowledge of how deeply grateful I am for the privileges and blessings in my life. 💕

horses bring comfort during Coronavirus pandemic


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