Friends, this is a podcast you do not want to miss. Really proud to say that I began my career at Jasculca Terman as an intern. And although I did not know it at the time, I had much to learn, to say the least. I learned all of that, and more. How to write. How to think critically. Be organized. Create a timeline. This job, and many of the people there contributed immensely to my journey in life. The team there taught me such valuable lessons about so many things ranging from life, to my professional skillset, and of course politics. Subscribe to this podcast, and you will not regret it. See below for more info.
Rick Jasculca, former White House Advanceman and co-founder of Jasculca Terman Strategic Communications has been living politics for 50 years. From his time attending the 1964 Democratic National Convention in Atlantic City as a Young Illinois Democrat to serving as a special consultant to the White House—and Advance Lead—during the Carter and Clinton Administrations to playing a role in nearly every Democratic National Convention since 1968. Join Rick in his new series that features conversations with the men and women who have been behind the scenes of politics for decades helping shape policy and perception.