Along with your birthday, the other day you get to celebrate is your onomastico, or ‘name day’.
The word comes from the Greek ónoma, ‘name’, and it’s technically an adjective that roughly means ‘related to a name or naming’.
Italians use it to refer to your giorno onomastico, ‘name day’, which most people cut down to simply l’onomastico.
According to the country’s Catholic traditions, your name day is the feast day of whichever saint you’re named after (because naturally you’re named after a saint).
Oggi è il mio onomastico. 🤩
Today’s my name day.
And today is actually my name day!
Buon onomastico! Auguri per l’onomastico!
Happy name day! Best wishes on your name day! Are a few ways to mark the day.
In the fifth century, a basilica near Rome was dedicated in honour of Saint Michael the Archangel on 30 September, beginning with celebrations on the eve of that day. 29 September is now kept in honour of Saint Michael and all Angels throughout some western churches.
All three archangels (Michael, Gabriel and Raphael) are now venerated in a common feast on September 29, which used to be St. Michael’s feast alone. “MI-CA-EL” means “Who is like to God?”
Such was the cry of the great archangel when he smote the rebel Lucifer in the conflict of the heavenly hosts, and from that hour he has been known as “Michael,” the captain of the armies of God, the type of divine fortitude, the champion of every faithful soul in strife with the powers of evil.
So, there you have it. 🙂