I’ll be honest. Even with my husband being born in raised in Kansas City, I wasn’t watching the Super Bowl for the football. I know I know, but come on – between Rihanna performing and the commercials I had a LOT to focus on! 😂

I have to say that so many commercials were entertaining and fun. The trend of both celebrity and nostalgia are two that never go wrong with me. I love escapism for television. My life has enough stress and work and challenges so when I actually get a moment to watch tv or catch a movie I love experiences and being transported into a place I **want to be (much like how I produce events for my clients; we create an experience that their guests can’t wait to be in, see how that works?!)

Ok so here are the Super Bowl ads that had the win – in my opinion.

Miles Teller & his wife for bud light (who doesn’t dance to hold music?!) – this was subtle and they have great chemistry. I happen to find him adorable and I just loved the entire ad.

Ben & Jen for Dunkin’ because come on. When she pulls up at the drive-thru and says “what are you doing?!” I was laughing – how many times have I said that exact thing to my husband? I will always always be a Jennifer Lopez fan but in this instance, I applaud her and Ben for their humor and ability to not take their image too seriously. It makes them relatable and I appreciate that.

Farmer’s Dog (which my dogs eat) had my heart. I actually teared up when I watched this while sitting next to my two dogs.

Major Shout out to John Travolta and the team at T-mobile because that was very sweet, and Will Ferrel who partnered with both Netflix & General Motors promoting both some awesome Netflix series AND electric cards was pretty awesome and Serena Williams with the caddy shack nod was so good! I really enjoyed that one – and her Remy Martin ad had a speech in there that I would like to play on repeat to all of my managers every single day at the restaurant so they can get their shit together. 😂

Oh! I also happened to love the Ant-Man commercial. But I do love me some superheroes. And the trailer for Indiana Jones! Because anything that existed during my childhood that now makes its way into mainstream gives me a sense of comfort. The last time life made sense I was in my 20s as far as I’m concerned so give me all the nostalgia all the time.

And of course – Rihanna performing 13 hits in 13 minutes reminding us all how amazing of a career she has had, and how much we have all danced to her songs. She carried that show on her own, while pregnant and it was really inspiring to me. Major props to her!

Ok so those are my faves. What about you? 🤍

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