Today was a ”take stock” kind of day. Have you ever had one of those? Like when life goes all the directions except the one it’s supposed to and there is a resounding chorus of WTF in your head? This has been my week.

A few things I know in my almost 45 years on a day like today include (but aren’t limited to) the following. I am sharing in case even one person reading needs to be reminded that they are okay, and that we are all just doing our best to get by. ✨

…” In order to know where I am going, I have to know where I am coming from…” a direct quote from Tony Durpetti from since I can remember. He says much less these days (Parkinson’s is a bastard), but what he said my entire life has never run more clearly or true.

(Bonus wisdom: live every day with something to do every day. Don’t waste it. They go fast. Things change in a blink. And then shit hits the fan and it’s those beautiful moments you carry that help get you through). 👈🏼✴️

If you don’t like where you are, if you’re in a bad place, that’s ok. Wrap it around you and process it, but don’t stay there. You’ve got this…” wise words from a few friends including Aga, Kimberly and a few others too who may be nameless here but have been an immense support the last few months and this week.

After that, write it all down, regroup, and start again. I got back on my Peloton today for the first time since May 9th. It wasn’t about the miles or the calories. It was to renew that promise to myself to remain always my bad-ass tenacious motherfucking self.

If you can go through it and not be alone, do that. Because it is easier to lean on someone and have them carry you when you can’t carry yourself. And by no means does that imply weakness. It actually implies immense intelligence to know when to hold’em, and when to fold’em…” (another great TD reference because he loved himself some jam sessions in the car to The Gambler when I was growing up). This one goes out to my husband who does more and has done more in the last four years than most human men in a lifetime. Thank you Collin for that. 😘

That’s what I know. This is my unsolicited Sunday wisdom post. Enjoy. ✌🏼☮️🕊️🧿✨💜

Buona domenica amici miei. xo

Photos from almost a year ago when all kinds of things were not where they are today when Collin and I renewed our vows in Tuscany. I’m so glad we did this for the exact reasons I talked about above. ✨

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