One place that is always close to my heart, though, is Italy. Truly the place where my soul feels at home and where my heart feels full. As I pour over works of art, walk the city streets, learn the regional specialities, and celebrate the friendships that have carried me through decades, I have learn about me, who I am, and what I need to be the best version of myself.
And isn't that the point of travel? To increase your awareness of the world around you, to participate in it. I live to learn about new cultures, languages, foods, landscapes and traditions so that at the end of the day we all realize how connected we are and how small this great big beautiful world really is? Here is your passport to adventure as my travel buddy. I plan on sharing everything from travel tips to favorite eats and everything else I encounter while traveling. And remember, I travel solo, with my husband and sometimes even with a caravan of 4 horses, two dogs, a motorhome and my gold cart! So trust me when I tell you the travels are diverse, different and rarely boring. 😃